No results found for 'MSO4B'. Showing results for 'mso6b'.
Tektronix 5 Series B MSO | MSO5B
MSO5 with integrated hard disk: starts automatically in the WIN system. If you take out the hard disk, the MSO5 starts automatically in the Linux system.
0.00 € 0.0 EUR
6 Series B MSO | MSO6B
Troubleshoot and validate high-speed designs with bandwidth that starts at 1 GHz and goes up to 10 GHz . Get accurate measurements with low noise and sample rate up to 50 GS/s . See more of your design with 6- and 8-channel models.
1.00 € 1.0 EUR

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Tektronix Probe Selection Guide

The probe selection guide gives you a quick overview of the ideal combination of probe and oscilloscope. Which probe is compatible with your oscilloscope?

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Tektronix Probe Selection Guide

Oscilloscope Selection Guide

The guide provides an overview of the general specifications and functions and highlights the most important differences between the individual oscilloscope series. 

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 <font class="text-o-color-1">Oscilloscope Selection Guide</font>
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