Europe's Service Center of Grid Protection Alliance

ARTEMES is Pleased to Announce the Cooperation With Grid Protection Alliance.
26 July 2024 by
Europe's Service Center of Grid Protection Alliance
ARTEMES GmbH, Werner Schöffer

ARTEMES as Service-Center of Grid Protection Alliance in Europe

ARTEMES and Grid Protection Alliance, a leading developer of Open-Source-Software (OSS) for electric utilities, start a strategic partnership. ARTEMES will act as the European service base and provide support.

The Grid Protection Alliance is primarily known for its software for phasor measurement (PMU) and is one of the largest providers in this market with numerous installations. In addition to data forwarding strictly in accordance with IEEE C73.118, the portfolio also includes the necessary software packages for displaying and archiving data and detecting oscillations in the power grid. Together with the measuring devices from ARTEMES with PMU function, a complete solution for WAMS projects is therefore also available.


Open PDC - Datenkonzentrator-Plattform

Open PDC

The openPDC is a high-performance data concentrator platform for managing streaming synchrophasor and other time-series data in real-time. 

OpenPDC has been used successfully in electrical power engineering since 2004. The software is much more than just a data concentrator, it provides a flexible platform for processing high-speed time series data. It is programmed in such a way that it can adapt to the constant changes in data architectures. 

OpenPDC is used to distribute data - both in real time and in the past. It can be installed anywhere within the Synchrophasor infrastructure, even on fanless computers running in a substation environment.

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OpenHistorian is a back-office system for efficiently archiving SCADA, synchrophasor and other process control data to support network operations. It can be used both in real time and to analyze previously stored data. OpenHistorian is optimized for fast and efficient storage of large amounts of time series data.

  • OpenHistorian supports timestamps with an accuracy in the attosecond range (10^-16). This is significantly more precise than a GPS timestamp. . 

  • OpenHistorian also implements lossless data compression, which results in low memory requirements. . 

  • OpenHistorian also includes numerous built-in synchrophasor analyses available through the Grid Solutions Framework. These include power calculations, phase calculations, statistical summary analyses and calculations of other synchrophasor-related quantities. 

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OpenHistorian - Back-Office-System
AM-4 - ARTEMES Messgerät

ARTEMES Measurement Instruments

The PMU function in the ARTEMES software is a toolbox for phasor measurements. The data is sent to the OpenPDC software strictly in accordance with the PMU standard.

This function is available in the following measuring devices with GPS-module:


Our focus is not only on hardware and software, but above all on support.

  • installation service
  • maintanance service
  • development service

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GRID Protection Alliance - Installations- Maintenance- & Developmentservice

Our References

These customers rely on ARTEMES:

Energienetze Steiermark

In Styria - the green heart of Austria - people swear by the systems from ARTEMES and GPA in order to have precise knowledge of the conditions in the high-voltage grid when reconstructing the grid.

APG - Austrian Power Grid

As Austria's largest transmission system operator, APG relies on ARTEMES' solutions and uses them to monitor the dynamic stability of the Austrian grid.


ENEL has long sworn by the GPA-solution and successfully transmits fast PMU data throughout the country.

Cooperation with Vogl electronic
Monitoring of gas-insulated switchgear and cables.