Young Talents complete Their Internship at ARTEMES

Energy Transition And Measurement Optimisation
6 March 2023 by
Young Talents complete Their Internship at ARTEMES
ARTEMES GmbH, Karin Bonvecchio

"Discovering Talents!" 

This is the motto of the funding programme of the FFG, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, a national funding organisation of the BMAW (Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy) and the BMK (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology) for business-related research and development in Austria. 

Im Zuge dieser Initiative "Talente - Ausschreibung Praktika für Schülerinnen und Schüler 2023" In the course of this initiative, students from a general secondary school deepened their interest in science and technology and got a taste of the world of ARTEMES. 

Unser Praktikant, Moritz Lais, hat dazu eifrig am Projekt "PVPQ Messoptimierung" gearbeitet.


The focus of this project was the topic of energy transition, recorded as "PVPQ measurement optimisation". The "AM-14" measuring device used by the ARTEMES company was applied for this project. This measuring device uses an SD card to store the operating system. In the course of this internship, the measuring device was adapted for the measurement of PV systems in such a way that the operating system (Linux) is started as a read-only operating system.


The aim was to increase the service life of the SD card on the one hand and to reduce the power consumption of the entire device on the other. In doing so, a statistically tangible statement about the lower failure frequency of the SD card was to be made.  


During the practical training, the results of the power savings were measured and recorded. In addition, automatic test scripts were written to provoke a malfunction of the SD card with targeted shutdowns. Both variants were tested in parallel and possible differences between the two variants were then recorded in the test protocol.

Laut FFG sammelten mehr als 1000 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Österreich im Sommer 2023 wertvolle Erfahrungen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik. Viele Praktikant*innen reichten einen Projektbericht oder ein Video über ihr mehrwöchiges Praktikum ein. Unser Praktikant, Moritz Lais, hat dazu eifrig am Projekt "PVPQ Messoptimierung" gearbeitet und kam damit in die Endausscheidung, in welcher 20 Bewerber*innen mit ihren Betreuungspersonen zur möglichen Prämierung eingeladen wurden.  Die Prämierungsfeier fand in der Wiener Urania statt, wo Moritz am 29. Februar 2024 den Preis für den ersten Platz überreicht bekam. 

Fotos unten: - Praktikaprämierung 2023, FFG Prämierungsveranstaltung / Urania Wien (Personenfotos) bzw. (Pokal) 

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