Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Switching Operations in Power Grids

Innovation Partnership Between APG and ARTEMES
25 October 2023 by
Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Switching Operations in Power Grids
ARTEMES GmbH, Karin Bonvecchio

​Artificial intelligence for monitoring switching operations in power grids

In an innovation project with  Austrian Power Grid sensors are used that detect the switching process of disconnectors in transformer stations or in the electricity grid, analyse it and report back to the control systems whether the process was carried out as planned.

By the way, disconnectors are moving parts in tranformer stations that are moved by means of a motor in order to separate the flow of electriciity into different areas. 

The video on the left shows a disconnector test. 

Application Note

Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Switching Operations in Power Grids.

Artikel zum Thema "Künstliche Intelligenz für mehr Sicherheit im Stromnetz"

Press article "Künstliche Intelligenz für mehr Sicherheit im Stromnetz"

The article appeared in the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten on 14 May 2022.

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