ARTEMES sets new standards in the PMU market
In the course of the energy transition, a global transformation of electrical energy systems has been underway for several years. Conventional generation is increasingly being replaced from decentralised, converter-coupled plants (predominantly wind and photovoltaics - PV). ARTEMES is responding to these changes with GPS-controlled phasor measurement (PMU).

GPS-controlled phasor measurement in all ARTEMES power products
In order to be able to continue to guarantee the maintenance of security of supply under the rapidly changing framework conditions, a European minimum standard for the electricity market, grid connection and grid operation (Network Codes) was anchored in law. This new System Operation Guideline requires transmission system operators (TSOs) to adequately monitor dynamic grid stability. ARTEMES reacts to this and includes the functionality of GPS-controlled phasor measurement (Phasor Measurement Unit, PMU) in all power products. This means that several grid monitoring tasks can be carried out simultaneously with one and the same device.
Characteristics and strengths
GPS synchronous data points up to 2 M samples/sec.
IEEE C37.118
Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU, IEEE C37.118)
Power Quality (IEC 61000-4-30, classes A and S)
Transient Fault Recorder (TFR, PFR)
Disturbance Fault Recorder (DFR)
Power Monitor
Frequency Monitor
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Support of all common I&C protocols and the ARTEMES server system
IEC 61850
IEC 60870-5-104
IEEE C37.118
GPS-synchronous transmission of harmonics
As a special feature, harmonics and flicker propagation can also be transmitted GPS-synchronously via the internationally standardised PMU protocol in addition to the fundamental vibration phasors.
Phasors U,I (amplitude and angle)
Harmonics of U and I (amplitudes and angles)
Flicker propagation (output 5 according to IEC 61000-4-15)
Easy integration into existing PMU networks
The integration into existing PMU networks and the creation of own dynamic monitoring systems are therefore easy to implement with ARTEMES devices. The possibility of integration into existing SCADA systems with corresponding protocol interfaces or visualisation by means of ARTEMES servers and topology displays complete the offer.