AM-14 Series | AM14

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Energy Analyser AM-14, power logger for the detection of energy consumption, PQ logger for power power quality measurements

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  • Size: 388.724 KB
  • Size: 390.433 KB
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  • Size: 388.724 KB
  • Size: 390.433 KB
  • AM-14 - The Handy Power-Analyser

    uncomplicated and communicative. Who doesn't love that and often long for it? But it can be so simple. The connection from the measuring device to the network is established by scanning the QR-code. Communication takes place locally via WLAN or, even more conveniently, remotely via the built-in GSM-modem. All that remains to be done on site is to connect the voltages and install the current sensors. The voltage connections already include fuses and can be connected to the measuring voltages via optionally available magnetic adapters, crocodile clips or busbar taps. The device is supplied via phase 1.

    The AM-14 measures 3 voltages and 3 currents and communicates via WLAN and GSM.

    Would you also like to test this handy power analyser and call it your own?​

    standard accessory

    optionally with power quality logger AM-14-Opt-PQ


    GSM / WLAN router | 16 bit resolution | 3 voltages | 3 currents | easy connect | webinterface


    energy consumption analysis | simple power quality measurements


    Brand ARTEMES