TIVP Series | IsoVu Isolated Measurement Systems

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IsoVu probe technology delivers accurate differential measurements up to ±2500 V on reference voltages slewing ±60 kV at 100 V/ns or faster. With the IsoVu Generation 2 design, you get all the benefits of IsoVu technology at 1/5 of the size of first generation probes.

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isolated probes

Isolierte Tastköpfe

IsoVu ® -Tastköpfe sind aufgrund ihrer industrieweit führenden 1-GHz-Bandbreiten, 160 dB oder 100-Millionen-zu-1-Gleichtaktunterdrückung, 60 kV Gleichtaktspannungen, hohen ± 2500 V Gegentaktspannungen und einer ausgezeichneten geringen Belastung der zu messenden Schaltung das richtige Werkzeug für die heutigen Herausforderungen an anspruchsvolle Strommessungen.  

Probe. isolated. 200 MHz. 2500V. TekVPI.

galvanically isolated measuring solutions...


+/- 2500 V differential voltage | 200 MHz, 500 MHz or 1 GHz bandwidth|cable length 2 m


Characterisation of the gate drivers, Vgs, Vds and Is | Characterisation of the time adjustment of high and low-side events | Optimisation and adjustment of the circuit features

Standard accessories

IsoVu Carrying Case | MMCX Probe Tip | SMA Spanner | Probe Tip Adapter

The perfect protection for your product

Play it safe and protect your sample from the moment of purchase.

Tektronix complete product protection - What cannot be repaired will be replaced!

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Oscilloscope-Bandwidth 200 MHz or 500 MHz or 1 GHz
Brand Tektronix
Kabellänge 2m